
v i l a l t a



services works contact architect



- advice and consultation

- feasibility studies and preliminary projects

- projects and building works

- reform and rehabilitation

- formalities and certificates

- design and interior design

- project management

- cargotecture

- urban planning

- freelance collaborations in architectural firms



Because you want to know the possibilities offered by your site or building.
Always from your idea ... and with our advice.

We develop previous studies in order to determine the feasibility, possibilities and available alternatives to your site or building, making an assessment of the case with its regulatory and zoning parameters, some initial sketches, drawings and an estimate of the approximate cost of the construction.
You are only charged if the proposal
is feasible and you decide to start it.

With the illusion of who imagines a project from scratch and with your own idea as a user, we advise and we make the first proposal or draft plans, estimated budget
, project and three-dimensional images for you to understand it easily.    l    p (+34) 659009703    l    legal notice    l    català - español - english